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So things have been going pretty awesome between hair man and myself. We get along great and he makes me smile and laugh. I know what's going to happen next I'm going to sike myself out. Get paranoid, self conscious...etc. I mean he's young, single can do anything at the drop of a hat. Me on the other hand, i gave up my freedom years ago. Mommy's can't do crazy spontaneous things on a whim, they have to find sitters, and if they do the night might be cut short if someone has a tummy ache. I think he's a great guy and if something ever came up he would completely understand, but how do you tell someone you like...sorry, but you will never come first, you will always sit backseat, and by being with me you are ultimately getting my 2 children as well.

Dating a single mom can be really fun, especially when you have cool kids like mine : ) but unfortunately no matter how rad your kids are they still pitch fits, get sick, and put a damper on date night. They don't mean to it's just all part of the game. The game I signed up for and he did not.

I've read about this book called "Three- Martini Playdate", it's about raising children and still having mommy time (adult time). Not to revolve your entire world around your children and to have a life of your own, they will thank you for it. I can't wait to read it, because I feel like my kids are my universe. If i had an afternoon to myself I don't know what I'd do...well probably sleep.

My point to this really long drawn out post is....Can a single man with no children and or attachments adapt to a already concrete family? And although he likes my kids can he fully understand the concept of dating a single mom? Can he ultimately settle down and fall in love with my kids or will I be foolish to put my heart and my children's on the line? Is it better to risk falling in love for the quest of happiness or stay away and be safe? Does happily ever after really exist?


an extremely confused..
Free Spirited Mama